Dec 21, 20231 min read
Is Reality REAL? Thoughts On Parallel Universes, Reality Shifting & The Mandela Effect | Brian Scott
Brian Scott, after walking away unscathed from a near-fatal shooting in his home, began a fanatical search for answers. His traumatic...

Mar 1, 20231 min read
THE LAW OF ASSUMPTION: How to Manifest Anything You Want! (Explained - Step By Step) + Best Methods
What is the secret to manifesting? In my latest video, I share a powerful interview I had as a guest on Constance Arnold's show Think,...

Jun 15, 20221 min read
The Secret to a MAGICAL Life (MUST WATCH!) | Reality Transurfing
Do you ever have moments when feel alone? In my latest video, I share an eye-opening Reality Transurfing teaching ... explaining the...

Jan 5, 20221 min read
How I Manifested Money FAST & EASILY! (THIS METHOD WORKS!)
How do you manifest money fast and easily? In my latest video, I share a my own manifestation story of how I was able to overcome a lot...

Dec 8, 20211 min read
The Ultimate Manifestation Hack (WORKS CRAZY FAST!) BEYOND Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna learn the ultimate manifestation hack? In my latest video, I share a powerful Reality Transurfing principle on how to hack reality....

Dec 1, 20211 min read
This Makes Manifesting Work EVERY TIME (DO THIS!) | BEYOND Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna learn how to shift reality fast? In my latest video, I share a powerful Reality Transurfing trick you can do when reality isn’t...

Jun 14, 20211 min read
Energy Healing, Neville Goddard, Astral Projection & Daily Routine! | Quantum Healing Collectiv
What’s it like to experience several unexpected awakenings? In my latest video, I share my spiritual journey of healing, manifestation...

Apr 30, 20211 min read
How to Trust the Universe When Nothing is Going Your Way | Beyond The Secret | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna learn how to create your reality EASILY? In my latest video, I share an insightful Reality Transurfing principle that, not only...

Apr 23, 20211 min read
Manifestation Hack | DO THIS TO MANIFEST FAST! | Beyond Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna learn the secret on how to control your reality? In my latest video, I share an insightful Reality Transurfing principle that, not...

Apr 15, 20211 min read
THIS WORKS LIKE MAGIC! (Powerful Technique) | Beyond Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna manifest EXACTLY what you want? In my latest video, I share a powerful Reality Transurfing principle that, not only helps you...

Apr 9, 20211 min read
This Technique Works FAST! | BEYOND Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna learn how to control your reality? In my latest video, I share a powerful Reality Transurfing principle that, not only helps you to...

Apr 1, 20211 min read
How To Change Your Current Reality (WORKS FAST!) | Beyond Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Is it possible to keep riding on the “wave of success”? In my latest video, I share a powerful Reality Transurfing principle that, not...

Mar 26, 20211 min read
How To Stop Creating The Same Undesirable Reality | Beyond Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Why is it always difficult to get what you REALLY want? In my latest video, I share an empowering Reality Transurfing principle that, not...

Mar 19, 20211 min read
When NOTHING Else Is Working, DO THIS! | Beyond The Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Are you feeling dissatisfied or even confused? In my latest video, I share a Reality Transurfing truth that’s so powerful … not only will...

Mar 12, 20211 min read
The MOST EFFECTIVE Method to Manifest LOVE Into Your Life | BEYOND LOA | Reality Transurfing®
Want to manifest more love into your life? In my latest video, I share simple Reality Transurfing principle that’s so effective … not...

Mar 5, 20211 min read
How to SPEED UP Your Manifestations (WORKS FAST!) | BEYOND Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Do you struggle with low energy and have a hard time manifesting what you want? In my latest video, I share super simple Reality...

Feb 26, 20211 min read
Why Circumstances DON’T Matter When Manifesting! | BEYOND Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna literally transform your world into paradise? In my latest video, I share super simple, yet super powerful Reality Transurfing...

Feb 19, 20211 min read
The Ultimate Manifestation Hack (WORKS FAST!) | BEYOND The Law of Attraction | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna control your reality? In my latest video, I share an eye-opening Reality Transurfing principle that explains why your circumstances...

Feb 11, 20211 min read
How To Shift To Your BEST REALITY Fast! (BEYOND the Law of Attraction) | Reality Transurfing®
Wanna learn how to shift to your BEST reality quickly? In my latest video, I share an empowering Reality Transurfing principle that will...

Dec 30, 20201 min read
How The Law of Attraction REALLY Works! (EXPLAINED – STEP BY STEP) + TOP Manifestation Techniq
How does the law of attraction and manifestation REALLY work? In this episode, I share an interview I did for Think, Believe & Manifest...