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Things You Never ASK in Church (MUST WATCH!!) – Part 2 (Q&A) – Joshua Tongol


Date: April 13, 2013 Location: El Paso, Texas

Part 2: Ask Me Anything

At this event, Joshua Tongol was asked not to “hold back” (which he did not!) but to share anything that was on his heart. He discussed the problems of fear-based religion and offered alternative ways to understand God and spirituality.

People were given opportunities to ask questions about God and religion that, in many places, religious people are too afraid to ask in church. (See Part 1: “THINGS YOU NEVER HEAR IN CHURCH”)

Most of the attendees are unchurched (or have left the institutional church) but who still have an interest in spirituality and in God. (Is that possible?)

Many people today are tired of institutionalized religion. But is there another way?

Topics and questions discussed:

-Is it OK to challenge tradition? -If Jesus was physically alive today, how would the church view him? -When one pursues truth, is it worth losing “friends”? -Are men and women equal in the Bible? -What about the violence in the Bible? -Does our culture or location of birth determine our beliefs? -She we consider every non-Christian “lost”? -Should we be concerned about any “appearance of evil”? -If all are reconciled, what is the role of faith? -How “free” are we? -What is our motivation to do good? -What about God’s wrath and judgment? -Is there truth in all religions? -What are some reasons why people don’t believe in God?

Listen in as Joshua Tongol shares his heart and answers questions on this very subject. It might give you a different perspective on things.


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