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“No One Has the Truth! Everything’s Relative!” (Let’s Talk About It)


When it comes to discussing ideas, it’s commonly said that “everything is relative.” Many open-minded people conclude that, because there are so many differing views, there is no Truth.

But is truth relative? Can something be true for one person and not necessarily for another? Does everybody have their own “truth”?

Is morality merely a matter of taste? If so, would this belief be livable? Will the world succeed of we continue hurting others?

Yet, at the same time, is morality a rigid structure of dos and don’ts where it is always bad to make a certain choice? Can there be more than one [right] way to respond to any given situation?

Can there be, in a sense, an objectivity to human nature, which makes a successful and livable world?

Personal beliefs throughout history have definitely changed over time. And it does seem obvious, at least to me, that some things do evolve. But is everything subjective? And is “reality” always clear to individuals–especially in an evolving and creative quantum world?

G.K. Chesterton said, “Merely having an open mind is nothing. The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.”

But is anything really SOLID?

Listen in as Joshua shares his heart and answers questions on important subjects. It might give you a different perspective on things.


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