NEWSLETTER: February – April 2013
Hello everyone!
We’d like to keep the updates of our ministry coming to you since our last video update (click here) . This year was off to a great start since we arrived here in America. We are mindful of the love and support you’ve given that encourages us to keep doing what we’re doing. And we’re so grateful to all of you who have given us that opportunity.
The Gospel is so good that, every time we share it with others, we get so pumped up! So here’s what’s been going on!
Starting off in February of 2013, we were invited to Rochester, NY by a group of radicals. Our wonderful hosts were Sean and Joy Briggs. They have a beautiful family. We’re thankful for the community they introduced us to because of all the love they were experiencing with each other. They were so welcoming and open-minded. For several days we were able to dialogue and discuss several topics that are not usually mentioned in church.
If you want to know what was discussed at these gatherings, check out these links:
In March our schedule was set for several events in Northern California. We were hosted by a beautiful couple, Rod and Eileen Williams, who welcomed and loved us like family. It was so refreshing to have spent so many hours with them just sharing about our lives, love, and God.
But before the weekend conference, we had a day to share to the Kainos group held in Rod and Eileen’s home. It was a night that could’ve lasted for hours. Check out the links to hear the things we discussed:
The Glorious Identity Conference followed that weekend and we were so blessed to minister alongside Andre and Mary Anne Rabe. (We make a great tag-team when it comes to doing Q&A’s!) In addition, we also had the opportunity to share and minister at Sausalito Christian Fellowship with Pastor Tamara Cotten. Here are the links to the videos of us sharing controversial (yet very important) subjects:
Next, we were scheduled to share at Abundant Grace Church (Pastor Lewis Yanez) in San Jacinto. We were so privileged to meet and share with this community. They’re so happy in the love of God and their hearts were so ready for what they were going to hear about grace and healing. You can watch the video of the teaching here:
On March 27, we celebrated our 2nd year of marriage. Time goes by so fast! It’s been such an amazing experience to share life with another person. By God’s grace, our love continues to grow.
In April, we were off to El Paso, Texas! This group was awesome! The ones who coordinated this event encouraged us not to “hold back” our theological views…so we didn’t! For two days straight we talked about everything “under the sun.” It was very liberating and stretching for all of us. Sharing our stories with one another made this trip even more personal. If you want to hear “What you Never HEAR/ASK in Church,” click the links below:
Next, Josh got interviewed for a podcast called “A Place to Talk” with Josh McDowell. He got to share his personal journey of how he got into apologetics, healing, grace, and organic church life. You can listen to it here:
We were then invited to speak at Grace Communion International in Alta Dena, CA. We appreciate this community for allowing us to share our hearts about the grace and love of God. Afterward, we had the opportunity to spend time with some amazing people who came a long way just to hear us.
Lastly, Josh had this wonderful interview at “The Place” live via UStream. He was interviewed by Dr. Michael W. Jones and his lovely wife, Rhonda. He was given the opportunity to share his journey and to answer some very important questions concerning faith and religion that are definitely considered “hot topics” today. So much was discussed during the show that it’s well worth a listen. It’s a 2-hour interview. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and click on the link below to watch it:
We hope you all get blessed (and challenged) as you listen and watch the links to all our messages. We have received a lot of responses (which were mostly positive) and are encouraged to keep moving forward. The message of God’s unconditional love has been so liberating for us that we just can’t keep silent about it! God is so good! There is so much freedom in knowing the truth about God’s grace. And we’re so glad to be given the opportunity to meet these wonderful communities this first half of the year.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit shouldn’t be reduced to some sort of doctrine of the Christian faith. Instead, the Trinity takes on a whole new meaning once properly (though not exhaustively) understood and known. Because within this Trinitarian life, there is intimacy and fullness of joy.
The glorious reality is that EVERYONE has been included in the Father, Son, and Spirit relationship. Yes, even the “unbelievers.” That’s why it’s called “good news.” How else would ALL of humanity exist? Nothing (and no one) can exist apart from God. It’s impossible.
Therefore, the Good News should never begin with separation. Rather, the Good News begins with union. Hearing the Gospel opens our eyes to the reality of what has always been – our union with God. We have been included into the relationship between the Father, Son, and Spirit. And nothing can remove us from this objective union.
The Good News is that God is for us…that He has included us into His life…and that we are unconditionally loved. This is the message we want to take all around the world.
Would you like to partner with us?
If you’d like to connect and have us come speak at your church, conference or event, please contact us here.
If you’d like to support our ministry financially you may do so here. Know that your financial support goes a long way in helping us with media equipment, travel expenses, and with helping other ministries that are also sharing the same message. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for believing in us. We love you all and wish to express our gratitude for supporting us prayerfully, financially, and through encouraging emails. We take none of this for granted.
We’re moving forward.
Josh and Remy