I’m Here For You (Limited Time Offer For 1-On-1 Coaching/Spiritual Direction With Joshua Tongo

Fall has just begun and I have some great news.
But before I get into that, ever since I released my new podcast The Flipside, (if you haven’t heard it yet, you’re missing out!), I’ve been receiving so many positive responses from people who can relate to the stories shared on the show.
That being said, I guess that’s good news, too. But wait, there’s more!
For a limited time, I’m offering my 1-hour coaching/spiritual direction services with a huge discount. Originally it was $200 per hour, but for now it’s only $150 per hour.
Do you need coaching/spiritual direction? Well, let me ask you a couple of things.
• Are you questioning your faith, not knowing what to believe anymore?
• Are you a pastor/minister experiencing a crisis of faith?
• Are you involved in ministry, but getting tired of it all?
• Are you struggling with loneliness ever since you left the institutional church?
• Are you shedding religion, but not sure what the next step is?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions … let me just say this … I’m here for you.
Believe me, I’ve experienced all of the above, and then some. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned on this journey, it’s this: life is so much better with a friend who listens and offers guidance.
So if you’re interested in a 1-one-1 session with me, here are the steps to take:
1) Go to the CONTACT section and title the subject “COACHING”
2) Explain the area (in detail) you’d like me to help you with
3) Wait for my reply and I’ll let you know if we are a good fit for each other 4) Once your payment is made, a day and time for the session will be scheduled
• Keep Things Professional
• Adds Value to your Time Together
• Helps with your Motivation and Commitment
(*IMPORTANT: These sessions aren’t meant for seeking healing prayer or asking theological questions.)
Rates: $150 Per Hour (1 Session)
All sessions are confidential and will be conducted either via telephone or Skype
All payments are made through his PayPal Account (see SUPPORT or right side of homepage)
Hope to hear from you soon,