12 Questions for Joshua Tongol – Ready…Go!!
Hey folks, not too long ago I was interviewed in Santa Barbara by a ministry called The Golden Lampstand.
I hope it gives food for thought and encouragement to those who can relate with what I share.
The Golden Lampstand Production presents: “The Truth Revealed” Series
Date: October 8, 2014 Location: Santa Barbara, CA
An honest, straight-from-the-heart interview with Joshua Tongol. (author “So You Thought You Knew” and international speaker)
1) What is the gospel? 2) How important is questioning? 3) What’s the problem with religion in general? 4) What are your thoughts about church? 5) What would you say to those struggling with their faith? 6) What’s a big division in the church? 7) How can unity come back into the church? 8) What would you like people to remember you and your wife for? 9) You say/use the quote gesture often when you speak. Why? 10) What helped you get out of the fear-based relationship with God? 11) Why did you start writing? And tell us about your projects. 12) Final thoughts?
Edited by: Ricardo Perez Background music: “Without Limits” by Ross Bugden Golden Lampstand channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClplvYbMZYEiPJh-NO3duXg
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