Meet joshua
Best-selling author, speaker, healer,
out-of-body explorer and psychic medium.
He trained as an evidential medium at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.
He holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Biola University and an M.A. in Theology from Talbot School of Theology.

JOSHUA TONGOL is a young man with an interesting story. He was born with only one hand that he wrestled with for most of his life.
For years he went from one healing crusade to another to receive a creative miracle, but to no avail. He became utterly disappointed and confused regarding anything "supernatural".
By the age of 17 he began his eight-year tirade against all forms of faith healing. But during that skeptical period, he was unexpectedly diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and a herniated disc in his back (sciatica).
He experienced a tremendous amount of physical and emotional pain. And although he desired to be healed, he was still a hardcore critic of faith healing.
However, what happened next changed his life forever.
The Universe plays no favorites
Joshua Tongol

How I Healed Myself & Became An Energy Healer (MUST WATCH!)
In 2006, Joshua was challenged by what many would consider to be a modern-day miracle. He was so convinced of its authenticity that he began his own journey into healing—investigating whether or not miracles (and all things paranormal) still occur regularly today. He read every book he could find on the subject and also met with countless people who operated in these so-called “supernatural gifts.”
Joshua then began praying for the sick and injured and, for the first time, started seeing results—including his own healing from both GERD and his excruciating back pain.
Joshua eventually discovered that the universal power to heal resides in every human being—that it doesn’t belong to just one group, religion, sect, or even to one special person. Instead, he realized that the principles of healing are woven into the very fabric of the universe and are available to anyone, anytime, and anywhere.
As Joshua often says, “The Universe plays no favorites.”
With his unique and diverse background, Joshua has become a fresh voice for modern-day spirituality. And with his raw and humorous style, he continues to challenge his listeners to think outside the “institutional walls” of religion and to have the courage to ask the hard questions.
Joshua boldly says in public what many people are thinking in private. And his hilarious stories and life-changing insights will inspire those who are dissatisfied with fear-based religion but believe—deep down—there’s a better message out there for the world to hear.
As a rising thought leader, Joshua has spoken to thousands of people throughout the United States and abroad at conferences, universities, workshops, churches and house meetings . He speaks on topics such as the law of attraction, law of assumption, consciousness, religion, paranormal phenomena, and personal development—offering new paradigms relevant for our day and age.
Joshua has been interviewed on popular blogs (The Huffington Post and, television programs, Youtube channels, magazines, and podcast shows.